[Imaging] Brain CT

요새는 Brain MRI가 발달하여


CT가 약간 홀대 받고 있는 것 같습니다


하지만 CT도 임상적인 정보와 함꼐 보면 아주 훌륭한 검사도구가 될 수 있습니다..


특히 Hemorrhage, calcification은 아주 잘 보입니다..


Intracranial calcification is known to be a physiologic phenomenon and is often seen in brain CTs of patients visiting the emergency department. The pattern of a calcified lesion may be related to the pathologic condition, and calcified lesion itself may cause neurologic symptoms.



The causes of pathologic intracranial calcification are infection, brain tumor, vascular disorder, endocrinologic disorders, and genetic disorder associated with calcium metabolic defects.


 The most common sites of intracranial calcification are the basal ganglia, subcortical tissue of the cerebrum, the thalamus, the choroid plexus, and the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum. The diagnosis of pathologic calcification can be done by using brain CT or MRI, and pathologic calcification should be differentiated from other causes of calcification by using laboratory data. We report and discuss a case of extensive intracranial calcification with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism.



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