
Showing posts from September, 2010

Emotion 감정을 나타내는 표현

Glad, pleased, happy 셋 다 기쁘다라는 표현 이다..격식있는 표현은 honored (영광이다) It' s my pleasure=It's my honor 흔히 뒤에 to 가 와서 왜 그런지에 대한 이유가 나온다 I am so happy to be with you... I am so happy to come or stay with you Pleased to meet you 나라는 주어가 없어도 It is nice to meet you wonderful, fantastic, fabulous =very good =pretty good=awesome =it couldn't be better...한국말로는 짱 좋다?^^ What do you think about this restaunrant? Both the atmosphere and the food are awesome Glad to meet you Nice to see you I am pleased to anounce new version of adams..^^ I am pleased to inform you that your paper "Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Atopic Myelitis: Korean Experience" has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Neurological Sciences It is my pleasure I am sastisfied with I am pleasant? Amazing 신기한.. mysterious 이상한 쪽으로 신기한...^^ It's so amazing 그거 참 신기하네..... Good I am excited about making a team with you...제가 좋아하는 감정표현 입니다...너와 같이 일하려니 매우 흥분된다...좋다 I am so thrilled to meet her 전율이 느껴

시간표현, Time에 관한 표현들...

While, during For a while..잠시... During last three months=During past three months=Over the past three months During 은 주로 문장 맨 앞에 나오지만 For는 주로 문장의 뒤에 나온다 의학논문에서는 During the 3 months of follow up.이라고 쓴다... Over the past (last)10 years 지난 10년간 , much progress has been made Over the next 2 weeks, her cognition improved after dicontinuation of lithium Over a period of time 일정 or 특정기간 동안 Over a long period of time 오랜기간 동안 Over a 6-month period (Over a period of 6 month ) 6개월이라는 기간동안...., 119 headahe patients were seen (age range: 16-78 yers; M:F=45:98) Take time..우리 시간을 갖고 생각해 보자 Give me seconds..잠시 시간을 줘.. Wait a moment...잠시만 기둘려... Take deal...받아들이다.. 약방의 감초 같은 take , Get From now on 지금부터... Last Latest Last time I saw her was January 16, 2008 When was the last time you saw H.Y? It's been almost a year,,, That night I got home, she was crying.. First time I saw her, I was so happy to be with her.. Every

보내고 받고

Send Submit Give Mail Fax Can I get you something? 집에 놀러온 친구에게 음료수를 갖다줄때...give랑은 좀 의미가 틀리다...뭔가를 자신이 가서 만들어서 준다는 의미이다.. Recieve Return Accept

움직임, 장소 와 관련된 동사들...

움직임과 관련된 동사들은 일상 생활에서 너무나도 많이 쓰이는 표현입니다 오는 것은 알수 가 없고 가는 것 역시 알 수가 없습니다.. 그것이 인생인 걸까요.. Come (오고) stay (머물고) Go (가고)... Stand Step Go Go out for a lunch..외식하러 나가지... Go down Go, come, get back be back 돌아와 있다... Come Come back, please Come up 나타나다 그외 많이 쓰이는 표현 Come on!!! 힘내 Come to see me 날 보러와요 Come to dinner I am here to see you Stay... Move 자동사로 이사하다라는 표현으로 많이 쓰인다.. We moved to Suji 6 years ago 타동사로는 무었을 옮기다로... MOve this laptop Walk I walks two miles or Two hours Step Step off 물러서...!!!! Get Get back Get to work... Our term will get better I remember when I was at 7, my mom said "my lovely happy.." Leave 떠나다... I have to leave now...나 지금 떠나야 겠어.. leave가 목적어가 따라올때는 남겨두다라는 말이 된다..이 역시 많이 쓰는 표현이니 주의하자 Please Leave your message.. Arrive 도착하다 Stop, come, drop by 들리다... On the way He is on the way... Reach 사실 reach뒤에는 장소가 올수도 있고 어떤 추상적인 양이나 단계가 올수 있다 장소가 올때는 arrive와 비슷한 의미 그외 논문에서는 reach statistical significance...reach up to 20% Approach to patient with primary dysto

약방의 감초같은 전치사 With and Through, on, At, against, over, just, even

Get thtough 극복하다.. You will get thorugh..넌 극복할 꺼야... Be Through 겪다, 경험하다 You don't know What I have been thorugh Go through We have to go through it 우린 그걸 극복해야햐.. River run thorugh it.. Snow come down at a rate of 80 m/sec Dopamine is given at high dose.. Treatment is with IV dantrolene, starting at ado of 2-3mg/kg in three divided dosage.. 정도를 나타내는 말에 쓰이기도 하지만... 특정한 시간, 장소 앞에 쓰이기도 한답니다 At the same time, At the time of biopsy We will stay at home next weekend.. Age of onset is between ages 15 and 60, with most patients experiencing symptoms before age 40. =Age of onset ranged from 15 to 60 Another, 50% will improce to some extent.. Against는 알아두면 유용하게 쓸 수 있습니다.. Protect me against the devil.. Push him against glass Antibody against CNS parasite... Pull out 밖으로 당기다.. Over는 다양한 동사에 붙어서 참으로 다양한 의미를 지닙니다.. Is over =end Take over=인수하다 Get over, overcome=극복하다 Over and Over, 계속 전치사로서의 over는 뒤에 시간이나 범위가 온다... Over several weeks Over wide range of spectrum Overall 전반적인=in general Just 그냥,

Best saxophone 색소폰 악보 프로그램 Encore 4.5.5

it is best !!!