서론에 많이 쓰이는 구문

Although much is known about


Because little is known about


Although there have growing( accumulating)  evidence about (supporing)


although much advance (progress) has been made, the pathophysiology is not unknown....






In the Western world, the Bobath Concept or neurodevelopmental treatment is the most popular treatment approach used in stroke rehabilitation, yet the superiority of the Bobath Concept as the optimal type of treatment has not been established.->not certain도 좋지만 이것이 좀 더 세련된 표현....


established는 참 많이 쓰이는 표현이니 잘 알아두자....!!!



Whether the subsequent decline represents a true decrease in risk remains to be established.


However, the long-term risk of developing neurodegeneration in patients with idiopathic RBD has not been established.


Subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN DBS) is an established (most popular or most widely used) treatment for motor fluctuations in PD.


With recent progress of,



In a cohort of 56 patients, these criteria were specific (95%) but less sensitive (58%) for clinically definite multiple sclerosis at 3 years. If new T2 lesions were allowed as an alternative for dissemination in time, sensitivity increased (74%) with maintained specificity (92%), enabling an accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in more patients.


enable은 문장 뒤에서 ing의 형태로 좀 더 근사한 표현을 해준다 (which enables가 생량된 표현이라고 볼 수있다)


High-field strength MR scanners are improving our ability to image focal GM lesions and modern MR-based techniques are enabling us to quantify in vivo the extent and severity of GM pathology, which have been shown to correlate only moderately with the amount of WM changes.



Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease charaterized by the selective loss od dopaminergic neurons and the presence of Lewy bodies




역시 문장 뒤에 수동태인 characterized 가 오면서 좀 더 근사한  표현이 된다 (which is charaerized)


The classical view of MS as a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease leading to the formation of focal central nervous system (CNS) white matter (WM) lesions


Recent progress allow (enable)


With the advancement of ,


사실 Progress 나 advancement나 development와 비슷하지만 논문에서는 많이 쓴다..




sth is reported to


Sth is found to


Sth is known to


Sth is estimated to


Sth is expected to...


dud not Focus on


There is still doubt about the pathogenesis


Remained unsettled


Remained to be established....








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