약방의 감초같은 전치사 With and Through, on, At, against, over, just, even

Get thtough 극복하다..

You will get thorugh..넌 극복할 꺼야...

Be Through 겪다, 경험하다

You don't know What I have been thorugh

Go through

We have to go through it 우린 그걸 극복해야햐..

River run thorugh it..

Snow come down at a rate of 80 m/sec

Dopamine is given at high dose..

Treatment is with IV dantrolene, starting at ado of 2-3mg/kg in three divided dosage..
정도를 나타내는 말에 쓰이기도 하지만...

특정한 시간, 장소 앞에 쓰이기도 한답니다

At the same time,

At the time of biopsy

We will stay at home next weekend..

Age of onset is between ages 15 and 60, with most patients experiencing symptoms before age 40.

=Age of onset ranged from 15 to 60

Another, 50% will improce to some extent..

Against는 알아두면 유용하게 쓸 수 있습니다..

Protect me against the devil..

Push him against glass

Antibody against CNS parasite...

Pull out 밖으로 당기다..

Over는 다양한 동사에 붙어서 참으로 다양한 의미를 지닙니다..

Is over =end

Take over=인수하다

Get over, overcome=극복하다

Over and Over, 계속

전치사로서의 over는 뒤에 시간이나 범위가 온다...

Over several weeks

Over wide range of spectrum

Overall 전반적인=in general

Just 그냥, 단지

Just love her,,,아무것도 따지지 말고 그녀를 사랑해라 From If only

I just want it


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