
What do you think about my girl friend?

How do you Feel?

What does it look like?


여기서는 How를 쓰지 않는 것이 핵심...


I didn't think she also loved me...이전에는 몰랐다는 의미...


I didn't think we would get the prize..그러나 받았다는 ㅡ.ㅡ


I have never thought about it 그 것에 대해 한번도 생각안해 봤는데





I didn't know she also loved me at high school...


You don't know how much I love her..

Many people don't know what they have now...


You don't know How long I have been waiting for this moment..


I don't know why you are so sticking on him....


I don't know what you are talking about...


넌 뭔 야그 하는 겨...


I have no idea..난 잘 모르겠어..

I don't know도 좋지만 보통 뭔 가 따라오기 때문에 이것이 좀더 세련된 표현...~~~^^

I thought I would get the prize~~~


여기에 익숙해지면 좋은 표현이 많이 나옵니다...


I guess...



Guess나 think는 주로 대화체에서 쉽게 쓸 수 있는 표현이지만


논문에서는 주로


likely to, appear to, seems to,


Assume, 주로 완곡한 표현이 많이 쓰인다....


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