
Riverfine golf



언제 부턴가 영국을 가보고 싶다는 생각이 들었다..

카니발 리무진


Emotion 감정을 나타내는 표현

Glad, pleased, happy 셋 다 기쁘다라는 표현 이다..격식있는 표현은 honored (영광이다) It' s my pleasure=It's my honor 흔히 뒤에 to 가 와서 왜 그런지에 대한 이유가 나온다 I am so happy to be with you... I am so happy to come or stay with you Pleased to meet you 나라는 주어가 없어도 It is nice to meet you wonderful, fantastic, fabulous =very good =pretty good=awesome =it couldn't be better...한국말로는 짱 좋다?^^ What do you think about this restaunrant? Both the atmosphere and the food are awesome Glad to meet you Nice to see you I am pleased to anounce new version of adams..^^ I am pleased to inform you that your paper "Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Atopic Myelitis: Korean Experience" has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Neurological Sciences It is my pleasure I am sastisfied with I am pleasant? Amazing 신기한.. mysterious 이상한 쪽으로 신기한...^^ It's so amazing 그거 참 신기하네..... Good I am excited about making a team with you...제가 좋아하는 감정표현 입니다...너와 같이 일하려니 매우 흥분된다...좋다 I am so thrilled to meet her 전율이 느껴...

시간표현, Time에 관한 표현들...

While, during For a while..잠시... During last three months=During past three months=Over the past three months During 은 주로 문장 맨 앞에 나오지만 For는 주로 문장의 뒤에 나온다 의학논문에서는 During the 3 months of follow up.이라고 쓴다... Over the past (last)10 years 지난 10년간 , much progress has been made Over the next 2 weeks, her cognition improved after dicontinuation of lithium Over a period of time 일정 or 특정기간 동안 Over a long period of time 오랜기간 동안 Over a 6-month period (Over a period of 6 month ) 6개월이라는 기간동안...., 119 headahe patients were seen (age range: 16-78 yers; M:F=45:98) Take time..우리 시간을 갖고 생각해 보자 Give me seconds..잠시 시간을 줘.. Wait a moment...잠시만 기둘려... Take deal...받아들이다.. 약방의 감초 같은 take , Get From now on 지금부터... Last Latest Last time I saw her was January 16, 2008 When was the last time you saw H.Y? It's been almost a year,,, That night I got home, she was crying.. First time I saw her, I was so happy to be with her.. Every ...

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